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Here you can find Presets and Banks developed by users and by the development team. All resources listed on this page assume GPLv2 license or higher and can be used without restrictions. If you have a preset or a bank of presets you want to share with the community send it here.

You can also send links to works made using rakarrack. But please provide details about what effects of Presets you used in your work, the name of the group or soloist and some form of contact (e-mail).

User Presets

Steve Baer Distortion

Matías Cerviño Presets

Renato crazymutroshifta motoroil mutroshifta dualflange1 dualflange2 dualflange3

Franco Rule & Ismael Poblete Slash's Sweet Child O'Mine Intro

Kajetan Drozd Blues Crunch 

User Demos

Alvaro Paz da Silva Arranjo 

Software: Rakarrack v0.2.0 CVS (Bank LIKE PAT Preset 69 by Alberto Mendez),Ardour v2.4.1 (Ongoing revision 3343),SC4 (compressor).Instrument/Devices: Acoustic Guitar - Di Giorgio Talent, Mixer - Behringer UB1002, Guitar Cable - Santo Ângelo

Matías Cerviño Improvisation 

Software:Ardour Jamin qzynaddsubfx Hydrogen Rakarrack

Matías Cerviño Arpee Ong Themes 

Software: Ardour Hydrogen Rakarrack

Douglas McClendon echoback

Teza eeep-blues

Software: traverso  rakarrack  calf  compression audacity  fender  strat  squier  on  eeepc  1OO5HA  under  UbuntuStudio  9.10

Teza Heavy

Renato 12 Strings Crazy demo

djshaji Instrumental

Software: rakarrack, hydrogen

alekibangoi Jam in ninjam

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